Fernando Zobel

Although Fernando Zobel was well known as an effective executive in his company, his heart deeply yearned for his passion, which was art. He was a self-taught artist, painter, printmaker, and draughtsman, and had received numerous awards for his museum work and in-depth knowledge of art. He was known for his distinct style of minimalism. Also known for his creative use of the surgical syringe to eject fine lines of paint, simultaneously creating balance and elegance.

Fernando Zobel

Triana II 1981


Reflejo 1981


Hocintos Otono 1983


E - 14 1965

An elegant work transitioning from his Serie Negra series by Fernando Zobel.

Jucar XIX

Captivating in its monochromatic elegance, 'Jucar XIX' speaks volumes through its bold interplay ...
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